Convallaria majalis rosea - rosy lily of the valley

Convallaria majalis rosea - rosy lily of the valley

from £6.95

Grown & Certified 100% Organic

One of the most incredibly scented blooms for it’s dainty size, Convallaria majallis rosea or more commonly known as rosy lily of the valley is supplied in root form.

Soak the roots / pips in water for half an hour before planting in a shady, slightly moist site. Place the top of the roots 1cm below the soil surface and sprinkle loose earth over the roots, gently filling the root mass with soil and water well.

In natural woodland or partially shade surroundings the roots will thrive from the fallen leaves of overhanging trees and shrubs. Don not feed with nitrogen rich fertilisers as this will only encourage leaf growth at the expense of the dainty flowers!

Height: 15-20cm Planting month: Feb-June Flowering month: May-June Position: Shade


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