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Copper Border Fork

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From £210.00
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An aesthetically beautiful yet extremely hard working gardening fork. The head is of high-grade work-hardened bronze, designed to stand up the the stresses that any border fork is subjected to. The shaft is steam-bent ash, with a beech T-handle.

For breaking up the soil without moving huge clods of earth, lifting potatoes or carrying light fibrous materials and manure, a border fork is the preferred tool for many gardeners. (Although for dividing clumps of perennials, another common use for this tool, we find our spades are sharp enough for the job)

Length 3ft 6ins, 108cm

Width 6 1/2ins, 16.5cm.

Tines 18cm long

Weight 1.65kg 3 1/2lb

Copper Border Fork.jpg

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