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Copper Hoe

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From £130.00
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Also known as the oscillating, reciprocating, swivel, scuffle or stirrup hoe, this is arguably the most efficient hoe for the larger vegetable plot. The bronze blade is sharpened on both edges. It oscillates about its pivot, cutting in both directions. Effectively it is a dutch hoe and draw hoe combined: the forward action is like a dutch hoe and the return action is similar to that of a draw hoe. It allows the user to work back and forth along the rows of vegetables, keeping the weeds under control.

The head rests on the soil surface while working. The pivot allows the head to cut into the soil with both forwards and backwards movements, cutting the weeds below the soil surface. The flat sides protect the rows of plants to either side, and the square shape allows the gardener to dig out deeper-rooted weeds with the corners.

The shaft is untreated European limewood.

The blade is bolted on so that it can be replaced when worn down. We supply replacement blades.

Head: 14 cm, 5.5 inches wide

Total length: 155cm, 5ft 1ins

Weight: 1kg, 2lbs 2oz

090 Hydra 1300 dpi pksbronze .jpg

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